Gold cross country requirements

Gold cross country requirements2021-05-22T15:26:26-06:00

Soaring Society of America Forums Badges, Records & Awards Gold cross country requirements

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    • Jack Webb
      Post count: 1

      does this cross country have to be straight line or can it be an out an back or triangle?
      do I need a flight recorder for this flight or can i just use observers?
      thanks, Jack

    • Jay Campbell
      Post count: 2

      Log in to SSA website > Badges and Awards > FAI Badge Requirements > Scroll UP to Badge Forms and Documents > Click on the “+” > Download Gold Badge Instructions as a PDF to your desktop.

      And you can take it from there.

      Good luck with your flight!

    • William Palmer
      Post count: 5

      A good chunk of the Gold and higher bades is understanding the rules and the opinions you have for the distance and goal flights for gold and diamond badges.

      The gold distance flight can be straight out, out and back, or a triangle (of any configuration) and some other options as well. You also have some options on start and finish points.

      That said, you may also want to combine the gold distance with the diamond goal flights. Both are 300 KM, and you can get credit for both with the same flight. However, the specs on the diamond goal are tighter (e.g., you’re going to have to declare the start and finish points).

      Yes, simply put you will need a flight recorder. Observers alone are not enough, though one or more are also required. You should make sure that the recorder is calibrated within the last 5 years (there is also an option to have it calibrated after your flight). There is a slight penalty applied if the recorder is a “position recorder” (lower accuracy) instead of an IGC approved flight recorder.

      You may find some of the content in this Badge video of help.

      Go for it!

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