Flight Review

Flight Review2021-09-19T14:54:07-06:00

Soaring Society of America Forums Training Flight Review

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    • Mark Griffith
      Post count: 1

      61.56 (e) seems to indicate that certain pilot proficiency programs (like WINGS) might satisfy the requirements for a flight review. A note in Sept 21 SOARING MAIL seemed to agree. However, a note on the FAASTeam page shows that the requirement STILL includes the need for “flight tasks”.

      So my question has 2 parts:

      a) if a WINGS program is used, is there still a requirement to do 1 hr or 3 flights in a Glider?

      b) Exactly which WINGS credits would be needed?

    • Peter Schutte
      Post count: 2

      Greetings Mark,

      https://www.faasafety.gov/WINGS/pub/learn_more.aspx Take a look at this page toward the bottom at the AC 61-91.1 and Wings user guide. This should answer all your questions. Yes, you do have to fly! The WINGS courses, etc. just takes care of the ground portion. You will probably fly more than the 3 flights or 1 hr. It’s a great program promoting proficiency and safety.

      Regards……..Pete CFI-G

    • Rick McClure
      Post count: 1

      Regarding power transition to glider rating – Several years ago, the FAA took the position that the power pilot had to have a current flight review, ground and in flight instruction in airplanes, to be able to qualify for the glider transition provided in 61.109(f)(2) FAR.

      There was some discussion in the past that there was a work-around using Wings credits, at least for the ground portion of the flight review. What about the flight portion of the flight review? Has this been resolved?

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