Badge flight during contest

Badge flight during contest2021-07-09T05:52:08-06:00

Soaring Society of America Forums Badges, Records & Awards Badge flight during contest

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    • Anthony Turiano
      Post count: 1

      Years ago there was a stipulation that a declaration was not required for a distance or goal flight if it was accomplished during a sanctioned contest and corresponded to the task. Is that gone? Tasks are often assigned on the grid, leaving no time to play with an electronic dec.

    • William Palmer
      Post count: 5

      There were some revisions to the code just posted in an SSA newsletter. If I recall it allowed last minute “internet declarations” (i.e. email) to superseded any previous flight recorder declarations. But this was only for Silver and Gold badges. Diamond is a bit tighter.
      here’s copied from the SSA eNews of 12/10/21. But of course check the current actual rules on the FAI sight for the official word.


      All badge claims recorded by FR or PR require a declaration per 1.1.4 with the exception of the 5-hour duration flight for Silver/Gold flights (4.3.2 refers). For any distance claim other than Straight Distance from release, the declaration shall also include a list of way point coordinates. The declaration must be identical in every FR and/or PR used, with the exception stated in 2.3b.

      a. An internet declaration, where NAC-approved, is an option for Silver or Gold flights recorded by an NAC-approved PR or an IGC-approved FR, and supersedes any earlier FR or PR recorded declaration. Along with the content specified in 1.1.4, it must include the OO name(s), and the type and serial number of each FR or PR used. A hard copy of all internet declarations made for a given flight shall be submitted with claim material.

      b. Any error in the declaration will invalidate a Diamond or Diploma claim. If the data file for a Silver or Gold flight recorded by any FR or PR omits or has the incorrect pilot name or glider ID, an OO correction certificate (4.4.2c) may be submitted with the claim.

      c. Diamond and Diploma flights require an FR-generated declaration and if multiple FRs are used, the declaration in each FR must be identical for a claim to be valid.

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