Upcoming Events

Flight Instructor Refresher Course FIRC

Chicago, IL Chicago, IL

The Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) provides US flight instructors the ability to renew their FAA flight instructor certificate in a class tailored to the needs of Flight Instructors, pilots, [...]


Flight Instructor Refresher Course FIRC

Houston, TX Houston, TX, United States

The Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) provides US flight instructors the ability to renew their FAA flight instructor certificate in a class tailored to the needs of Flight Instructors, pilots, [...]


Flight Instructor Refresher Course FIRC

Anchorage, AK Anchorage, AK

The Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) provides US flight instructors the ability to renew their FAA flight instructor certificate in a class tailored to the needs of Flight Instructors, pilots, [...]


Flight Instructor Refresher Course FIRC

Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA, United States

The Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) provides US flight instructors the ability to renew their FAA flight instructor certificate in a class tailored to the needs of Flight Instructors, pilots, [...]


Flight Instructor Refresher Course FIRC

Dansville, NY Dansville, NY, United States

The Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) provides US flight instructors the ability to renew their FAA flight instructor certificate in a class tailored to the needs of Flight Instructors, pilots, [...]


Flight Instructor Refresher Course FIRC

Suffolk, VA Suffolk, VA

The Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) provides US flight instructors the ability to renew their FAA flight instructor certificate in a class tailored to the needs of Flight Instructors, pilots, [...]


15-Meter Nationals

Tucson, AZ Tucson, AZ



Region 5 South

Cordele, GA Cordele, GA



18-Meter Nationals

Cordele, GA Cordele, GA


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