Open Class

Captain’s Report ~ Day #6 (August 3)

It was announced during today’s briefing that Sunday will be a rest day. I have been posting the daily tasks, launch and gate opening and pilot returns to the field [...]

Captain’s Report ~ Day #5 (August 2)

We woke up to bright blue skies with the loads of humidity in the air.   Would we see thunderstorms?   The daily briefing confirmed out expectations of showers and [...]

Captain’s Report ~ Day #4 (August 1)

We awakened to another bright blue sky day without any showers expected in the task area. Unfortunately, showers and thunderstorms showed up in the last couple of turn points which [...]

Captain’s Report ~ Day #1 (July 29)

On contest day 1, we awakened to overcast with a very slow moving weak cold front sliding to the east which was predicted to depart the area by early afternoon. [...]

Captain’s Report ~ Official Training Day #2 (July 26)

We continue to have really good soaring conditions this week. The daily wrinkle continues to be the amount and location of the showers and/or thunderstorms in the afternoon. Today was [...]

Captain’s Report ~ Official Training Day #1 (July 25)

Today another strong day of soaring was expected and the day turned out as forecast. We have been having a wonderful week of soaring and training. The wrinkles for the [...]

WGC Hosin July 24-Unofficial practice Day from 5E and ARC

A beautiful soaring Day Racing Task distances: Open 650.8 km, 18m 621.2 km, 20m 615.3 km with cu’s up to 6.5-7 k msl   Pete Alexander took this photo   [...]

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