2022 WGC Hungary John Good Report
A good soaring day today, ahead of a cold front approaching from the west. We have just returned from International Night, where teams offer food & drink emblematic of their [...]
A good soaring day today, ahead of a cold front approaching from the west. We have just returned from International Night, where teams offer food & drink emblematic of their [...]
We had a favorable weather forecast today, featuring a good airmass that needed only moderate solar heating to produce good thermal lift. We awoke to clouds that were confidently expected [...]
After the previous day’s successful albeit slow flight, I made it my goal to try and follow/ fly with other people today. It didn’t take me long to find a [...]
Yesterday’s cold front was one of the notably courteous kind (rare, in my experience). It arranged to pass Szeged late enough yesterday to allow all pilot to complete their tasks, [...]
Captains Report: Good Afternoon from Tabor, Czech. Today was the first official practice day of the contest and I feel both Team USA and Contest Organizers did a great job. [...]
Today’s forecast predicted challenging condition in the form of a cold front approaching from the northwest. With luck it would hold off just long enough to allow short-ish tasks that [...]
Today’s conditions produced the first scores at WGC2022 – and a high percentage of task completions (two 18-Meter pilots “ran out of day” and came up just short). The absurdly [...]
Greetings from a sunny and very warm Tabor, Czech. Today we have spent the day preparing our camp and further refining our equipment. The day was scheduled to be blue [...]
Tom's thoughts: 2022 JWGC and from the Czech Republic. David and I rose to a perfect morning and soaring day here in Tabor. The plan was to fly the glider, [...]
If further proof were needed that glider contests can influence weather, we had it last night – on the eve of the first scheduled competition day - in the form [...]